Best Cryptography Courses In 2022 | Bright Classroom Ideas

Bright Classroom Ideas
4 min readMay 2, 2022

Technology has brought new ways to do things. Nearly every activity and field of discipline has seen productivity quadruple with integrating digital techniques and means to the standing order of things.

With the incorporation of technology, several operations have become more efficient, a notable one being cryptography. It is because of computerized cryptography that we can have such a revolutionizing invention as the blockchain.

Without modern, advanced cryptography, blockchain technology would never have been born. For at its heart lies cyber security of the highest order- the best available on the planet today.

What is Cryptography?

Simply put, cryptography is the art (or science) of creating ciphers. A cipher is a code or method of scrambling a given set of data that can only be deciphered by the creator of the cipher or whoever the creator wishes to share the secret of the cipher with.

The use of ciphers in sending messages dates back to the World Wars when soldiers would often carry encrypted messages across battlefields and enemy lines. Back then, the encryption method was manual. Therefore, the codes could be deciphered by brilliant minds, given enough time.

Modern cryptography differs from old cryptography in that the secrets, or keys, to the cipher are generated by computers. Thus, modern cryptography deals with the science of creating super-secure keys whose…

