7 Ways To Manage Childhood Trauma | Bright Classroom Ideas

Bright Classroom Ideas
4 min readJun 30, 2021

If childhood trauma is left unresolved it can rear its ugly head in adulthood. However, many parents and teachers operate under the misconception that if a child doesn’t seem to be bothered by an event, they have not really been traumatized by it.

Children do not have the emotional maturity or the verbal capacity to express how they feel, however, this doesn’t mean that they have avoided being traumatized by something they have experienced. In this article, we will guide you through some of the best practices to manage childhood trauma.

What causes childhood trauma?

Childhood trauma can occur due to any number of reasons. It refers to any type of event that makes the child feel helpless and unsafe. Most commonly childhood trauma is associated with physical, verbal, or sexual abuse, witnessing domestic violence, experiencing bullying, bereavement or serious illness, or growing up in an unsafe environment.

If you are living with the consequences of the childhood trauma or you know somebody, who is, you should know that there is hope of things getting better.

Here are just some of the ways you can overcome childhood trauma.

1. Acknowledge your trauma

People who have experienced childhood trauma either block the event out of their memory entirely or spend the rest of their lives minimizing its effect and pretending that it was…

