3 Tips For 3D Printing In The Classroom | Bright Classroom Ideas

Bright Classroom Ideas
3 min readJan 30, 2023

3D printing or three-dimensional printing is a wonderful tool for young learners because it provides the scope and opportunity to visualize textbook concepts in physical form. 3D models and so forth can be used to pique a young child’s imagination and ultimately lead to better retention of the course material and improved performance in school and standardized testing. Here are some tips to utilize 3D printing in the classroom and do it well.

1. Learn Its Proper Use

Educators need to learn how to use different software and equipment before they can pass on the benefits to their students. There are a multitude of free online courses available on different platforms that teach primary and middle school teachers how to use a 3D printer for many purposes in the classroom. Each 3D printer itself comes with extensive instructions as well as digital tools from the company to ease educators into the process of utilizing 3D printing to boost learning the classroom.

2. Let The Students Try Their Hand At It

Students need to be allowed to make their errors and then reevaluate and start again. Once you have mastered the art of using a 3D printer well, you can start to teach your students how to use it to bring their idea and respective imaginations to light. Start teaching them basic features and allow a lot of room for trial and error and you can always keep a few failed prints or tries on…

